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MLM commission money flow


The flow of funds MLM System
Commission Payment Flow Details

Note : Bank Account number, will be displayed after you fill the Registration Form

All of the flow of funds / payment of commission is set up automatically by the system . 
Schematic flow of funds / commissions , can be explained simply as follows :

After you fill in the Registration Form your replica website links , ( web link replica seems to be ) . for example, your sponsor is 
Manurung Novelia , ( she is your sponsor ) ,then after registration, it will display the admin account (for payment purposes ) . and further , the following is the 
flow of funds commission -sharing system , which works automatically


Once you pay for the registration , person or the following names , will receive cash . ( from your registration fee as a new member ) :
Sponsor Level -1 : << Manurung Novelia fee: Rp 50.000 , - 
Sponsor Level -2 : << ishak lateefa fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -3 : Reynald Situmorang << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -4 : Cheek Ismiyati << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -5 : Riezky Meidya Princess << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
note : You can see that Latifa is a sponsor for Novelia Manurutng Isaac , And Reynald Situmorang is a sponsor of lateefa Reynald .............. ( and that will always 
like that )


Once you pay for the registration and transfer to the admin then your replica website is activated , if a person ( eg name : dedi) register via your replica website , 
( website replica seems to be: http :/ / ) automatic commission or flow of funds in your replica website is as follows :

Sponsor Level -1 : YOU << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
Sponsor Level -2 : << Manurung Novelia fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -3 : << ishak lateefa fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -4 : Reynald Situmorang << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -5 : Cheek Ismiyati << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
see the flow, will be always like that

Then after Dedi is become member in the site, and if someone (just call his name eg. Budi). register via Dedi's MLM web replica link
then the fund flow is as follows :

Sponsor Level -1 : << Dedi fee: Rp 50.000 , -
Sponsor Level -2 : YOU << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -3 : << Manurutng Novelia fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -4 : Latifa Isaac << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -5 : Reynald Situmorang << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
see the flow, will be always like that

Then after budi is become member in the site, and if someone (just call her name eg. Nita). register via Budi's MLM web replica link
then the fund flow is as follows :

Sponsor Level -1 : Budi << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
Sponsor Level -2 : << Dedi fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -3 : YOU << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -4 : << Manurutng Novelia fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -5 : Latifa Isaac << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
see the flow, will be always like that

Then after budi is become member in the site, and if someone (just call her name eg. Dina). register via Nita's MLM web replica link
then the fund flow is as follows :

Sponsor Level -1 : Nita << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
Sponsor Level -2 : Budi << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -3 : << Dedi fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -4 : YOU << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -5 : << Manurutng Novelia fee: Rp 50.000 , -
see the flow, will be always like that

Then after budi is become member in the site, and if someone (just call his name eg. Rino). register via Dina's MLM web replica link
then the commission fund flow is as follows :

Sponsor Level -1 : Dina << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
Sponsor Level -2 : Nita << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -3 : Budi << fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -4 : << Dedi fee: Rp 10.000 , -
Sponsor Level -5 : YOU << fee: Rp 50.000 , -
see the flow, will be always like that

So you will get income / commission from every person who joins through your replica website, or from people who join through your sponsors links, as deep as 5 levels 
(works for 5 level deep).raised money will be accumulated into the system automatically.

So you will immediately get a commission, if you bring a friend, and even when you do not know what happened in the system ... for example your friend bring their 
friends, you will still earning commission money. (automatically accumulated in your system in members area) easily and automatically. 
This system is truly unique, spending money for some product, but instead you actually get more money from commissions chain


Money rate in the system
Rp 50.000 = 5 usd
Rp 10.000 = 1 usd

payment accepted is: paypal and bank transfer